Otagai Designs

Otagai Designs brings a fusion of modern manufacturing and timeless design to your home. Our products are crafted from solid metal with patterns inspired by those found in the natural world. Located in the beautiful Comox Valley on the west coast of British Columbia, Otagai Designs serves customers around the world by bringing elegance to their daily lives.

Griffin Lindquist

Owner and Operator Griffin Lindquist has always had a passion for creating beautiful, useful objects. With a background in silver and gold smithing, custom furniture building, and product design, Griffin draws upon broad experience for his work.

The OTAGAI Meaning

“Otagai” means “mutual” or “collaborative” in Japanese. “Otagai Designs” describes the aim of the company to bring people together to make, and enjoy, great design in their daily life.

Why Aluminum?

Aluminum’s longevity, recyclability, and variety of colour finishes make it an excellent choice for fine home and bathroom goods. Despite aluminum’s long lifespan and corrosion resistance, it is fully, and easily, recyclable. Aluminum is also easy to clean. Otagai Designs’ soap savers have an anodized finish to further protect the surface which also allows beautiful finishes in rich colours. Otagai Designs encourages you to use our products for their full life, then recycle them for the material to be remade into other goods.